Battle of the Flower Designers- March Madness Tournament 2010

I have been finally seeing some people coming in because they saw the article or facebook or twitter coverage...maybe a handful 5 or so....I am sure many more are just waiting to need are funny that way...people need a reason to buy them here anyways, I just hope they remember the contest when they do need them 6 months from now...
Thanks everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone who took part in this competition.
All the great florists, Lori ( Affairs), Susan ( Hollyhocks), Elizabeth( Mums and More), Linda ( Anytime), Lihn ( Everyday), Tracey ( Twiggy), & Cathy (Avante)

Also a special thanks to the judges, Carol & Ricky!

--Thanks to Mark from Floristware & Ryan of Flowerchat for the prizes!

Also, to all the other florists who helped promote it on their Facebook pages, etc, I really appreciate it!

I'm looking forward to taking on Cathy in the Championship Battle! Should be interesting!

Videos for this final matchup will be due this weekend :)
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Adam, Thank you for organizing this it was great...Cathy you did a fabulous job of getting all the polls up and organized..the judges were great and dia a wonderful job and gave some very good constructive criticism...

The designers all did a great job, too...and getting the word out many, many people did a great job there...Together we can do wonderful things, and have a whole bunch of fun, too...This is why we are florists...
I have been very remiss in not thanking everyone for the opportunity to participate in this contest. This last three weeks have been a whirl as my designer's Dad died, I was working by myself, my delivery person disappeared into the mist, and Easter was hot on us. But nevermind that. I wish to thank Adam for organizing this, Cathy for all her work on the polls, and especially Ricky and Carol, for the judging. I found the comments invaluable - Carol, you were right, that speckled leaf had no purpose and Ricky, I appreciate your comment on my color selection. Having never done anything like this before, I found the experience invaluable.
Get ready for the final round!

My video is all done and ready to go! I am excited about this last round with Cathy! Hope everyone can help us promote it over the weekend on Facebook, Twitter, etc, and get people to vote on the Florist Blog! We will have the poll set up by this Sat.

I will post links here, and also pictures and videos. Thx!
Another video and another computer crash. Oy! But we powered through and finally got it done.

I'm please to announce that Joanne Plummer, AIFD, CAFA will be serving as a judge with Rick King AIFD for the final round since Carol Bice is brushing up on su español en España en vacaciones para las dos semanas próximas.

This competition has been an artistic stretch and a real kick. It's been great to have customers check in about the results and stop in to say they voted. The excitement was a surprise and the reactions have affirmed how so many of our consumers really want to feel a part of what we do. :) They like us. They really like ALL of us - and goodness knows we all need as many folks in our corners as we can get.

Applause to all, especially to Adam who cajoled us all to do this in the first place.

Everybody who participated is a winner. We've reached out to new and old flower lovers alike, and let them resoundingly know design matters. :)

Yes, it's March Madbness, but the madness we have about flowers truly knows no month. It's a year-round passion.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this - and don't forget to vote - and to share the word that designers truly make ALL the arrangements.
Thank you Adam for the static shots of the design............hoooooo stretched yourself on this one..........Glad to see it.

I won't begin judgeing/evaluating till we see Cathy's submission.

Thanks for giving me a challenge.
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Adam, I so enjoy watching your have some special talant isn't easy being a goofball and having it come across so playful on film...this is an exceptionally good it...

That.....ummm..ahh..sculpture...what the heck is it, a tree stump with a spine and ribs..interesting find, dude!!!

As for your design, I like it, you streched yourself for sure...The one glaringly obvious thing I would have done different in this design would be to use a more mecanic friendly wire for the binding...It looks like you use bind wire, that should have been concealed in my opinion, oasis colored wire wouldn't have need to be and would have given this design a bit of covered the mechanics fabulously on the top of the stump, which didn't look easy at all...

Very WoW concept...I like art/sculpture floral design and have never ventured to try it out...had to just answer that on my self evaluation sheet for AIFD...I guess it is my weak point or out of my comfort is very interesting and pleasing to the eye, not sure if many customers would get it or like it, but I do...and most floral designers could definately appreciate it...

Great job!!!! Good luck....
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Congratulations, Adam. Love the Rocky theme. :)

Here we go.......




I'll try to get the poll up today. :)
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Oh ........This is just great.............Why not just make it impossible guys.........GEEZE

Words escape me on this one Cathy.
I was thinking the same thing, Ricky....only I don't have to grade those wowzers! lol Good luck and congrats to both Adam and Cathy. I can clearly see that I would not have stood a chance against either of you, both of you let your imaginations run wild. THANK YOU FOR INSPIRATION!


P.S. to Cathy and Phil - you daughter is beautiful, thankyou for sharing your family with us!
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Cathy few things...Love the end of your video...making it this far and with that many votes and views you should plug the shop, the school and your family, it matters to people and makes them feel like they know you...great job marketing Phil's school...good demographic for that, alot of floral designers paying attention to this...Rosie is getting so big and what a beautiful young lady she is turning out to be...

Now the design,,,, just WOW!!!!! I have no really are a spectacular much effort to make sure your lines are clean and crisp, placements just right and you definately know your strengths and optimize your designs to show them off...kudos and congrats!!!

not sure who will win this, but you both have done a fabulous job!!! Good luck and I will put this out on facebook...for the final, people have been asking here how I made out, I was busy last week and really didn't post much...
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I really am having a hard time judging this one............both designs are incredible and you both should be proud. I for one, would love for you both to tell us your thought process for this one..........What made you Adam choose to work with a sculpture...........What inspired you Cathy to 'defy gravity'............How much of a stretch was this for you Adam, Had you ever attempted a design like this before............I can't help but think that we as professionals and creative designers would love to hear how the creative process came about for ya'll.
I really am having a hard time judging this one............both designs are incredible and you both should be proud. I for one, would love for you both to tell us your thought process for this one..........What made you Adam choose to work with a sculpture...........What inspired you Cathy to 'defy gravity'............How much of a stretch was this for you Adam, Had you ever attempted a design like this before............I can't help but think that we as professionals and creative designers would love to hear how the creative process came about for ya'll.

When it came time for Round 3, I had a few conversations by phone and email with Carol Bice, since she would not be judging round 3, she gave me some suggestions & ideas for inspiration. She told me , I need to go WAY outside the box against Cathy! The first place she sent me to was the Dutch Creations World Cup website to look at the design entries for ideas. I quickly become a huge fan of the gloriosa lily, which I have never used before. I remember my parents used to get them in all the time like over 20 years ago, but I never carried them in my shop. It's hard running a retail buisness and trying to become a great designer at the same time. I get so caught up in the business side and don't make enough time for me to learn more about designing, I know I have a ton to learn! This contest has made me realize I need to consider taking some classes and learning more.

Anyway, back to the subject of why I chose sculpture.....Carol had also told me to keep my eyes open for a unique container...she told me to try looking for something in nature, maybe a broken piece of concrete, or a broken tree log, that could be split open and create something inside, etc. etc.

After lots of looking and thinking, A light went off in my head....Duh! There is an art gallery across the street from my shop! Hello, McFly!!!

Thats where I shot my round 2 "Yellow" video.

So I told Edna from the Tyme gallery what I was looking for, and she showed me some sculptures she had displayed at the gallery, and this one just jumped out at me! I also thought it was cool that the artist was a local Havertown guy just like me. The scupture is called "What Remains" by Tim Anderson.

Was this design a stretch for me?

Absolutely, I have never done anything like this before! I always wanted to do something artsy, and had thought about doing a show at the Tyme Gallery years ago but never pursued it. I will be doing much more of this kind of design, and plan on doing a show at the Gallery in the future, maybe team up with a local artist...

I'm glad you like it Ricky, I really had no set plan, I knew I wanted to dangle Gloriosa Lily, but everything else was created on the spot, while waiting on customers, answering phones, and other distractions. I do think I could have done a better job with it, if I had no distractions, but hey, that's what happens when you run a retail flower shop :)

Thanks again Ricky, you have done such a good job with the judging, and I appreciate you taking the time to post your comments.

It's an honor going up against Cathy, she's a true professional!
I really am having a hard time judging this one............both designs are incredible and you both should be proud. I for one, would love for you both to tell us your thought process for this one..........What made you Adam choose to work with a sculpture...........What inspired you Cathy to 'defy gravity'............How much of a stretch was this for you Adam, Had you ever attempted a design like this before............I can't help but think that we as professionals and creative designers would love to hear how the creative process came about for ya'll.

I second this...I would love to hear the creative workings behind the ideas...especially for this one where it was no holds barred...maybe the creative process will help me in other competitions...
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Adam and I both wrote blog posts which included some background information on the inspirations for our final designs. I linked to them from the voting page so visitors there could read a bit about our thought processes. :)

From my post:

Each finalist was allowed to present a 'designer's choice' arrangement and we used the Glee cast's version of 'Defying Gravity' as the inspiration for our finale entry. (Can you tell how much we love Glee since we used music from the show in each of our videos?)

The arrangement features gorgeous pastel tropical flowers from Green Point Nurseries including upright and hanging heliconias, ginger, king proteas, anthuriums and monstera, ti and areca palm leaves. My favorite accent materials were the epidendron orchids cut right from our garden.

The prop to hang our suspended design is truly vintage since my husband Phil had it custom built in 1978 when he competed in the Atlanta Invitational Competition. (I think that makes the prop older than Adam from Belvedere. Ha!)

The entire design, more than 5 feet in overall height and 3 1/2 feet in width, is constructed in an Oasis CORSO Holder (a 1/2 block of caged floral foam) so the large stems and sheer volume of flowers presented a real challenge. And then there was the weight balancing issue to further push the limits.
I wanted to create a design that would push conventional thinking about 'flower arrangements', have a risk factor (the physical balance of a linear style suspended arrangement) and demonstrate technical execution that required a high skill level. Tropical were chosen since we hadn't used them in the course of the competition.

Like Adam, we had some real challenges in getting the video shot while phone were ringing and walk-in customers were dropping in. This was true challenge - and a fun one at that. :)
Just finished my blog post.

Hey I didn't know I could embed the polls on my blog!! Next time.

I hope everyone realizes that we really should be promoting this not just with those facebook and twitter shares but some good blog post with nice links and content.

It really can make difference and hope to see some other post here for Adam and Cathy.

Show some link love you guys!!!