Bill Schodowski

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
Edge of the World
Welcome aboard Bill. It is great to have some one aboard who WAS on the OTHER side so as to present an alternative view/opinion on our industry with an inside flavour. I had hoped that you'd join after our email of last week and I'm sorry I didn't post your good wishes to everyone here but had a very busy week. Rock on.......
Hi Bill,
Welcome to a very growing Important bulletin board.
Shame on ME

I lost track of Bill during the 1999 years of FTD only to leave the company in March of 2000.

Bill went off to Downer's Grove last we or our family knew....and with that was discent umongst the ranks who wondered why leave the Mom and Pop to have to fight for themselves?.

We have survived Bill, some of US have left that LOGO and some have JOINED.

What have you been doing?
Welcome Bill! Your reputation as a problem solver and over-all great guy precede you. We look forward to your input, advice, and perspectives! You were VERY MUCH missed at the "other" place when one day, you were not there. Oh, were we florists upset!

Hi Bill, glad to see you joined this forum. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Patty - The Daisy Petal - Hazel Park, MI, but then you probably already knew that. Amyway, welcome!!!:cool:
rock & boss told me...

that this was the place to be!
i thought it was going to be easy to leave the industry...but after 31 years...its pretty tough to just walk away...cold turkey.
i'm going to bed tonight feeling pretty good after being welcomed back by rock, bbj, luc and others. make sure that your mom knows that i asked about her. she's a special lady.
and bbj...don't worry about the dollars and the consultant title. that's just what i intend to do....until you hire me as a driver for mother's day.
until next time...take care.

Have wondered about you from time to time, hoping you landed on your feet, and that the demise of the Platinum Team was simply the begining of an opportunity!

Re: rock & boss told me...

Originally posted by bill schodowski
....until you hire me as a driver for mother's day.
until next time...take care.

Now just a dang minute here.....I have the STANDING ORDER for your help at the holidays:p

And I got ya here:rolleyes: for the good or the bad....

Just kid'n....
So, Mr.Bill, and Mrs. Maggie.....

you've GOTTA know I didn't bug you for a reason!!
Sometimes you have to be left ALONE, to decide that you REALLY miss us after all!!
You ALSO have to know...that literally EVERYONE misses you, that a "black hole" was left, when you were forced out by the powers that be, and as GRACIOUS as you were during our discussions, the pains and strains in your voice, were almost more than I, for one, could bear!!
I'm so very pleased, that you've accepted the challenges of this board, have "returned" to where you should NEVER have left, and are STILL THE MAN!!!...few of us CAN, or WILL ever forget, your contributions to THIS industry......
Nice to have you here.....welcome back, smooches for Maggie!!
Mike and Sandie:) :)
Oh My Gawd It's the evil Twin Bill S

Happy to see you are you remember me and my daughter at Nashville? You were everywhere my dear. Once you told me it was your evil twin downstairs and I believed you !!! So glad to see you are doing well. You were such an asset to all of us at convention and I am sorry you aren;t there anymore.Of course we still have the eye candy Doug Parks!!! Both of you are real good guys! Take care ! And if you really want to drive why not try Fort Luderdale where the weather is great!

of course i remember you. i had it arranged for you to win the van in nashville. you didn't show up in time and the company had to give it to someone else....against my objections.
i had forgotten about my "evil twin". he had a habit of showing up after i had 3 martini's. he hasn't been seen for awhiile.
hope you're doing well and getting ready for mothers day. did you ever think about my suggestion for opening a branch shop in naples, fla. past history indicates they would be shutting down their phones and computers...right about now in preparation for the holiday.
all kidding aside, sher...take good care...treat your customers and your fellow florists kindly (even guys like boss). thats what this business is all about. don't get too hung up on the small stuff.
have a great day!

p.s. i have it on good authority that doug parks is a good 10 to 12 years older than myself!
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