You know you're a florist when:

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Carrington that piece is FANTASTIC (caps purposeful lol).

I hope more sensible florists from the uk do sign up as i think its very obvious that we all do hit the same problems, laugh at the same things, and we all strive to build our business.

I am really enjoying flowerchat and find this the most informative and thought provoking of the forums about. When criticism is given it is very often construtive and i just love it!!!

Thanks for having me.......:squish:
or thanks connie, just tried to dot you (green of course) but i have to spread some around first lol. so you can have an imaginary green dot........:> with teeth
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WYASR and HYFBS actually mean something to you.

When you go home on Saturday, only your hand smells like old-lady perfume.

You've been in every hotel in town, but you've never walked through their front doors.

You begrudge the big boxes for selling poinsettias and Easter lilies cheaper than you can buy them wholesale.
you are standing at the check out lane in the grocery store late saturday afternoon after weddings and the checker wants to know why you have all those pearl pins(as in corsage) pinned on your sweater.............:)
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You know you are a florist when....

1. All vehicles that you own or have access to are vans of some shape or size, with only two seats.

2. When the above mentioned vehicles must double as the pick up/airport delivery vheicle for relatives coming from out of town, and you use milk crates for extra seating, with sandbags to hold the crates into place.

3. YOu are considering buying a new vehicle, and the most important aspect is how much interior height (floor to ceiling) does it have, as well as whether the sliding doors slide WAY, WAY open, and are keyless entry.....

4. The new truck salesman does not understand that color is NOT the most important quality, even though you are a woman.......Interior height, and gas mileage are!

5. You spend every thanksgiving day & evening (and at least 2 days prior & 2 days after) installing major christmas decorations for clients at large facilities -- all of whom repeatedly tell you/ask you " how much fun you must have each year at Christmas!"

6. You spend christmas Day curled up in a ball in bed or on the couch, because you are too exhausted to even move or open your presents.

7. You cannot attend the special celebrations of relatives (weddings, anniversaries, graduations, etc) because THEY DID NOT PLAN FAR ENOUGH IN ADVANCE, AND YOU HAVE NOW BOOKED AT LEAST 3 OR 4 WEDDINGS FOR THEIR SPECIAL DAY! (and no, you cannot help them with their event also!)

8. Your "good dress shoes" are now 1" heels or flats ---- you would wear sneakers or sports shoes if you could.

9. You search your closet and you find only pants -- no dresses available to wear on your "date".

10. you have to check in at FC at least once per day...even on vacation!

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GREAT JOB !! Carrie with the article.....

A few more:
You know you're a florist when....
All your gifts are tied up with hand-made bows and ribbons.

You catch yourself answering the telephone at home with the telephone greeting you use at the shop.
Your family calls you glitter face as a nickname
the bottom of your washing machine always looks like ....fall
You look at sweaters in the store and think "Oh God no! too many pulls"
You NEVER consider style for your work shoes just comfort and how long will this sole last.
#3 and #9 are not just the numbers to your favorite combo meal at the drive through.

Your shoes and the hem of your pants are stained green and its not from mowing the lawn...
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