I really got to be there!!!!!

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New Member
Mar 30, 2008
Palos Heights
State / Prov
As some of you know, my family and I went downtown last night for the election rally. Some of you asked me to share my experience…I fear I lack Victoria’s literary skills, but I will do my best to convey the magic. Regardless of whether you voted for President elect Obama or not, the magnitude of the evening cannot be denied.

As we hopped on the “el” train at Midway airport we were surprised by the number of people with overnight bags flying in to stay with friends, just to be a part of action. When we got off the train, we walked out of the station into the most amazing atmosphere…the air was warm, people were selling everything from t-shirts to buttons to signs and flags. There was no chaos, just this feeling of cautious optimism…kind of ‘dare we hope’?!?!

It was so surreal to be sitting on the steps in Grant Park with my family and watch the diversity of the people gathering. They were white, black, old, young, gay, straight, rich, poor…but all possessed that same hopeful smile. All I can compare it to is that proud team spirit feeling you had as young teenager going to your first high school football game…kind of school spirit mixed with pride mixed with unity?!?! Whatever it was, it was beyond explanation.

We met an elderly couple from Northern Minnesota who had taken a 12 hour train ride to be there. The husband walked with a cane and was clearly exhausted, but more than that, he was determined to be a part of the celebration.

We did not have tickets to the vip part of the rally and the other designated area was far too crowded for my taste. By the time we met up with my sister, sister in law and their children, the line to get into the fenced areas was over a half mile long. There was not a soul in that line that looked anything but elated.

We ate dinner in an open air café across from the park where they were broadcasting the results. As each state was announced, the crowd went wild (as though we were watching a sporting event). I was fixated on this couple in the restaurant who were in their late 50’s or early 60’s. They were a well dressed African American couple, and I was overcome by his face as they watched the results. He had tear filled eyes that glowed with pride. It was while watching his face and the countless faces of those around me that the true magic of the evening hit me.

Our city has born a shameful scar of racial division sine the riots after the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Perhaps this is why so many officials were against having the rally outside in the same place all hell broke loose all those years ago. On this night, there was not a single incident of violence. Not even as all 400,000 of us filed out of the park toward our hotels, trains and busses. We were all far too consumed with a mix of pride, humility and humanity. I have never been so proud to be an American!!!!

I tried all night to remind my kids to really focus on remembering this…how it felt, the magic that was in the air…all of it!!!
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I thought about you last night, and wondered where you were in that huge, peaceful crowd! I'm so happy you got to go. How wonderful it must have been!
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I felt the magic just watching it on tv. I can imagine that being there almost felt like floating on air! Our country, The Melting Pot, has come full circle and returned to the values and inspiration of the original founders....and then some. No matter who you voted for, immerse yourself in pride and excitement. We are about to embark into a new America!
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Amy, you expressed it beautifully... absolutely. I'm so glad you were there and were able to share your feelings with the Flowerchat family.

Imagine the healing that ground experienced last night.

Thank you Amy.

Oh Amy what beautiful words!! You brought tears to my eyes!! I thought about you last night as I was watching my TV and how lucky you were to be there.

Every time Obama won a state, I got more and more excited. And when McCain won a state I'd say to myself...well, it's not over yet.

When Obama spoke about the 106 year old lady who voted I cried like an idiot. I thought of all her struggles of her life, all she's seen and it overwhelmed me.

What wonderful memories you have!
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Absolutely incredible Amy - how lucky to have gotten to experience it in person.
Amy, you got me! I think we should have some passion when it comes to our politics. i think Simon Cowell is on the campaign trail to make our politics more exciting... Mind you Gordon Brown, and exciting just dont mix.

You expressed yourself beautifully, i have loved watching some of the coverage over here but your summary worked much better!! Community spirit to the max.:yourock:
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wow.... what an incredible experience for you and your family! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I'm also moved by your experience and the hopeful optimism that is being shared by Americans all over.
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I am so glad that you got to be there, and that you took the time to share your experience with us!!

As I watched the early TV this morning, and Congressman John Lewis, and Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke about the early marches of the civil rights movement, and Dr. Martin Luther King, I cried my heart out.


ONLY IN AMERICA, can a Kid from a poor community, black, white, green pink or orange, DREAM AND BECOME THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.

And inspite of 2 years of constant speeches, and mind-numbing endless chatter, we have elected a new leader without riots, killings, intimidation and mutiny. I am so proud that we have showed the world how it is supposed to work.

(Now, it is time for the speeches to be over, and my regular TV programs to resume, Thank you, and Good night!! ) :)

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magical Amy!!!
the rest of the world was with you in spirit, I have never observed so many non-Americans, into, hopeful for your country, and rejoiced about your election outcome, I dare say it actually changed the mood of the world today, glad you could be a part of that in person.
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Beautifully stated, Amy! How marvelous that you and your family could experience the excitement, the hope! Thank you for sharing.

BTW, I notice from the above replies that there are a number of persons on FC who are quite eloquent.
My reponse to this is simple as well. How wonderful it is for all of us when we get to experience a moment when our history is being written right before our eyes. I remember being in grade school.....glued to the tv in our classroom.....watching the space shuttle take off for the very first time. My first visit on opening day to our Riverbanks zoo....which after 20 plus years has never dropped it top 10 ranking among the worlds zoos, and now for you to have seen first hand the election of a new president......a man of color now headed to the White House. It is moments like these....and so many others.....that make our lives sp special and give us the stories to tell our children, grandchildren, great-granchildren....." I was there when...."
Thank you for sharing. Your kids will remember that night forever.

Watching on TV is nothing like being there in person. My family was able to go and pay respects to Gerald R Ford when he passed as his hometown was Grand Rapids. The kids still talk about it.
Ok what about the violent acts taking place during the celebration? Did they show that on the news? I have a friend whose husband is a cop and had to be there for crowd control guess what happened- numerous african americans and others throwing rocks, anything they could get their hands on at the cop cars...K-9 dogs had to be put into the cars for safety...spitting at police officers...cars with thousands of dollars of damage....dashboard cameras being told to be erased.
There's one or two in every crowd.

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oh it wasn't one or two V.....
Wow Amy, What a fantastic story.
:yourock: I was phone and canvass coordinator for our Obama staging location on election day. I spent 40 out of 48 hours there, calling voters, sending out canvass packets. We made 1645 phone calls to Obama supporters right up till 7:50 pm.

To go home and watch the people in Chicago was so inspirational, as I crumpled to a heap on the couch, I cried like a baby. All that work was soooo worth it. I'm thankful to have taken part in this historical election. I feel such a kindred spirit with so many other supporters and volunteers.

There were no parties here like there, as I am in the heart of Republican part of PA. But we did our best. I hope you don't mind if I print out your story and add it to my scrapbook of memorabilia from this event.

Thanks to everyone who has supported and voted Obama!! Yes We Did! Now lets get to work .......Patty
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