oh it wasn't one or two V.....
There is always going to be good and bad, that's just life.
But I tell ya, they dug hard and deep to find real dirt on Obama, and they just could find it.
I don't think Obama is this evil man that so many thinks he is. I don't believe that he is a sigh of "end of days" like I've been told. I don't believe he's a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I think he's a mixed race (like me), globally diverse, well educated, level headed man.
The key word is
He is a man who will make mistakes. He will, there's no doubt in my mind. I believe in my heart he will do his best, and have the American people's intrests at heart.
When Bush won, I thought "well here we go" When he won again I just accepted it and got on with life. What else could I do?
everything will be OK, at least that is my hope.
The key word there is HOPE.
You are my friend, and I understand your fears, I really do, but give him a chance, or just accept that Obama is the pres elect. and move on like I did with Bush.
In less than 4 years this whole process will begin again.