O'Dis,and O'Dat are now confirmed DEAD....

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Mikey the Flower Guy

It's a GREAT DAY to live, and love!
Nov 10, 2002
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
State / Prov
Saddam Hussein's two son's (I call them dis and dat) have been confirmed killed by US troops, in a town in IRAQ, this afternoon!!
I KNOW that maybe we should be happy about this, BUT, what a sad state of affairs we are in, where we CHEER, when sons and /or daughters are killed either on purpose or accidentally!!
Perhaps, feeling avenged for their horrible atrocities, much, to their own people, SHOULD make me feel better, however, it saddens me, what our "civilized world" is quickly becoming.
Thought I should let you know....
Mike:( :(
I agree Mike, it's a loss of life no matter how you cut it or who loses it. What confuses me is this, where is Saddam? Like he was supposed to have like 7-8 body doubles you would think they would find one of those guys if nothing else. Perhaps Saddam has been long gone for a long time (not of this earth anymore).
Too bad that one of the Church Leaders had to be assassinated before the boys were found. He at least was trying to be Democratic with his people but was killed for aiding the Americans. Too bad he died before those two demented sons were found and eliminated. Too bad that those people can NOW rejoice that their lives are somewhat better because the threats those TWO held over their families. Too bad we can't get their father as well to relieve the soldiers who fear for their own lives trying to make the Iraqis who wish for freedom really FREE from the oppression this dictator still directs from his hiding places. Sorry guys, I do not agree. These three men caused the deaths of thousands of innocents. They deserve the hunt and kill they have put upon their own countrymen for many years. I have seen the biographies of both of these sons of Satan. They chose to hide, we chose to take them as they wished.
Originally posted by Mikey the Flower Guy
Saddam Hussein's two son's (I call them dis and dat) have been confirmed killed by US troops, in a town in IRAQ, this afternoon!!
I KNOW that maybe we should be happy about this, BUT, what a sad state of affairs we are in, where we CHEER, when sons and /or daughters are killed either on purpose or accidentally!!
Perhaps, feeling avenged for their horrible atrocities, much, to their own people, SHOULD make me feel better, however, it saddens me, what our "civilized world" is quickly becoming.
Thought I should let you know....
Mike:( :(

Responce Removed via Blue. Again I opened Mouth before engaging Brain.
Don't get me wrong Blue, I wanted to see those 2 dead, my comment was more along the lines of them being basic humans. I hope Saddam gets the same.

Where is Canada? Canada is in charge of Afganistan right now, 1700 troops will be there within the next few weeks. The first 150 left this past Saturday, and 12 more flights to follow.

In addition to that a good friend of mine is in Sierra Leone right now serving as a Peace officer ( OPP officer) under the U.N. Similar to your state troopers) there are dozens there, and not all that far from Liberia, and Sierra Leone isn't a fun place to be either from what he says in his weekly emails. He also assisted in NYC during the 911 time period, and offered his skills in both being a Peace officer and Funeral director (he has his license for when he retires from the OPP in a couple of more years) So Canadians are busy. :)
Your Right Peter..

All those INVOLVED are HERO'S!

We folks here in the STATES have this HARD ON that WE are S*it Kings and we forget about others who are helping...sorry.

Our NEW worry is Liberia....darn, folks are BAITING USA for ACTION and darn if my Cousins 18 year old BOY NEEDS TO GO THERE????

WORLD POLICE??????????? I guess that is what the voluntary SERVICES are about?.
Re: Your Right Peter..

Originally posted by Blue Oyster Cult
All those INVOLVED are HERO'S!

We folks here in the STATES have this HARD ON that WE are S*it Kings and we forget about others who are helping...sorry.

Our NEW worry is Liberia....darn, folks are BAITING USA for ACTION and darn if my Cousins 18 year old BOY NEEDS TO GO THERE????

WORLD POLICE??????????? I guess that is what the voluntary SERVICES are about?.

Yes, that's right, all HEROS. Well remember the United States never stands alone in the world, even if our almost out the door Lame Duck Prime Minister doesnt' want to admit it, Canadians ALWAYS will Stand with our Brothers and Sisters in the United States. After all I believe we are all North American's.

President Taylor needs to leave the country before any possible US ground forces should move in, least in my opinion. Or perhaps a multi-national force, and give the US Military a rest.

One of the Reps from NY Charlie Rangel (D - NY) is trying to move a bill thru Congress to bring back the Draft from what I understand.
Re: Re: O'Dis,and O'Dat are now confirmed DEAD....

Originally posted by Blue Oyster Cult
You Guy's made me GO....Where is the Canadian ARMY?????????so SHUT UP! and LET US TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS!.

The Canadian army is in Afghanistan so that the US could send more troops to Iraq. Don't go there, Blue.

I agree that something needed to be done about Iraq, as a student of history and politics I know that nothing good comes from dictatorships. Don't start dissing other countries just because we didn't 'us too' when you went to Iraq - you don't know about our commitments.

Who has cousins currently in Bosnia and Afghanistan.
Shouldn't be too quick to shoot from the lip Blue...uninformed remarks are hurtful and inciteful. We are a peaceful nation...we continue to do our part on the world stage...we are proud of our troops, who are also in the line of fire all over the world.

I don't feel any remorse over the hows and whys of the demise of those two demon seeds...won't mourn them...much like no one could mourn Hitler, Idi Amin, Stalin, Baby Doc and all the other wackos who have taken up space on the planet.

It was a job well done, intelligence well used.
Originally posted by Blue Oyster Cult
:dunce I'm stupid for shooting from the hip...sorry bout that my Canadian Florist Buds.

Yes, you are.

But, being Canadian, we'll also forgive you.
It's kinda hard for Blue to know about Canadian news, when the US news doesnt' report even 1% of what goes on here. What the US media does report about Canada is usually all the bad news, like Mad Cow, Sars etc. I think it's key for Canadian and American's to educate each other about what each country is all about, so we can foster a better understanding of each other. :)
Thank you for the apology Blue...appreciated and accepted. :)
Peter...it should be noted here also, just because CNN doesn't report Canadian news and events, is no reason to not know what's going on around us...there are many other means to gain knowledge, if so inclined. We need to be informed...it's the kind of world in which we live. This forum has been called the "information" highway...I read newspapers from all over the world...my dear friend in the States reads Canadian papers over the net ("better balanced information")...so CNN's blinder status is no real excuse for any of us.

Knowledge is power...just ask GW...points wouldn't be falling if he had more knowledge of the intelligence given. ;)
Originally posted by Peter1
It's kinda hard for Blue to know about Canadian news.

That's partially true; however, I try to function under something my mom always told me as a kid. "I don't make assumptions, when you assume you make an @ss out of U and ME." Just because we're not physically 'with' you doesn't mean we're AGAINST you either.

Sober second thoughts are good for all of us, regardless of what side of that glorious border we live on.

Proudly north american for generations
I'm and old guy, just reached Geezerhood last week, and I will say unequivocally that over the years, I cannot remember ever hearing a US citizen speak derogatorally of the Canadian people. Now and then a remark about that government, and then not as critical as we are of our own.
Everyone I know has the highest respect for you Canooks and appreciation for all the times you have stood with us in the past.

Sincerely, Pete

Originally posted by Peter1
What the US media does report about Canada is usually all the bad news, like Mad Cow, Sars etc.

They report good news too...like the growing availability of Reefer north of the border ! :beer

But tis true, we do hear very little about what goes on up there, you really have to search it out...
Hey Boss...ya know ya waaaant it. ;)

Welcome to Pete...thank you for the kind words...much appreciated. :)
Having heard some of the speeches that Chretien has given over the last two years - legalized reefer should have come as no surprise to anyone.

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