"Silly Mommy" stuff

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They're near civilisation... Internet is easy.

Alana's Facebook Status.

was stranded by the tide at a bar today. I think Zanzibar is out to get me.......drunk.


And here is today's chapter.


Food is okay at best although they do cater to non meat eaters more than at home. Currently we are in Nungwi and loving it. It is a little Daytona Beachish but nice. We got trapped at a bar this afternoon due to tides, and no we did not plan it that way.
Killi has fallen off the and has been replaced by Rwanda, Uganda, Gorillas, and White water rafting the Nile.... tough choices eh.
Neither of us care too much for Tanzania. We are constantly being Mzungu (white person) taxed and it is pretty frustrating. We may fly from here (Zanzibar) to Arusha for a safari then on to Nairobi to fly to Mada. Selous however is very close and I do want to go there for a small chance to see my Dogs, but we are just letting things happen as the will. Madagascar is happening though. We will be there likely 2 weeks from now and I can't stop smiling every time I think of it.

Glad things are goodish at home and it sounds like Stace is on the mend. We have been going to places where we know there is internet to keep updated but will likely fall off the grid again soon. Postcards are written and we just need to find a post office.

Love you lots but it is time to go back to doing laundry in the sink.
Hug all the fuzzy creatures for me please. I hear Spike is having a hard time adjusting, is he ok? I worry about the little terror when he isn't terrorizing anything. Oh, been playing with monkeys and found the Spike of the primates.
Love Love Love
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Her newest Facebook status... and yes this is all I have at the moment... and for me please play Queen anywhere!


By the way... it's looks like a paradise.


"Alana knows what a New Moon Party is. Any Excuse For A Party Party. Is it wrong though that I think the only music that should be allowed on Zanzibar is Queen?"
Hey guys.

Back in Dar which is annoying. You can't go anywhere in this country without going through Dar is a Slum (my loving nickname for the city).

Shawn just got some pretty bad news from home. A few weeks ago his brother and a friend were in a very bad car accident. Stacey got pretty banged up and required surgery on his arm and his friend Steve who was driving remained a bit of a mystery. We later found out that Steve was put in an induced coma but seemed to be doing okay, and Stacey was mending at Shawn's home. Today we found out that Steve passed away. There was talk of coming home but Steve lived in Africa for 7 years and Shawn decided that a better way to honour his friend was to continue on. Please send your good thoughts to everyone right now. Positive energy is what Stacey and everyone need most at this time.

We took a risk and went to Selous Game Reserve with high hopes of seeing the Painted Dogs I talked so much about. Odds were not good though as we only had 1 full day game drive and they are one of the hardest animals to spot, but Selous is the only place in East Africa that has them so we had to try.

We started at 9am and went until 4pm and saw loads of cool stuff. Elephants, Hippos, Giraffes, Zebras, Crocs, Gazelles, Impalas, Wart Hog (yup just one) and a bunch of other cool stuff I have already forgotten the names of.

One of the greatest things about Selous is because of how remote it is. We only saw 4 other cars all day as compared to the Northern Circuit where you see hundreds.

The best thing however, is that we found the Dogs!!!!!!! 4 very bloated and full vicious Dogs only 5 or 6 feet away. It was pretty awesome! They are one of the most efficient hunters in the animal world and likely the cruellest as they don't kill their prey instantly. They just start eating and it dies when it dies. This isn't meant as torture it's just their way.

Not too much else to say right now. We have done and seen lots and are heading back to Nairobi in a couple of days to do another Safari and fly to Madagascar.

Hope all is well!
Luv Me!

And there is more... and and and (I'm so excited), Alana and I had a real time word sharing on FB online this morning. What a wonderful way to start this day. I love my kid. ;)


Hey. Thanks. If you could find out my bank balance that would be awesome. Next time you just have to transfer from my chequing account to my visa. Same as paying bills.

We just found out about Steve and Shawn is emailing his mom right now. He is going to try to call as soon as we find a place to call from.

We had a great safari. Saw the dogs!!!!!! And only 4 other cars all day. It was awesome. Our 3rd day we did a walking Safari and stumbled upon some elephants in the woods!

We are back in Dar because you can't go anywhere in Tanzania to somewhere in Tanzania without going through Dar. Very annoying. We are leaving tomorrow for Arusha for a night and back to Nairobi. We are planning a 3 night camping Safari in the Masai Mara then flying to Madagascar on the 5th. We are hoping that we can fly from Mada to Kampala Uganda because Shawn has decided that instead of the Kili trek he wants to do the Gorillas and White Water Raft the Nile.

This is all very tentative as most of our plans have been and we will do our best to keep you informed with all the changes that will undoubtedly happen.

Thank you so much for all your help with Shawn's family.

Glad you are going to spend some time with your friends. It sounds like everyone is in need of a break right now.

I love you lots. Hug the aminals for me please!
Love Alana
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Thanks Franca... I'll let them know.

As for your late, early question. Both are right... I'm always up early and you my friend are up late. :)

I'm glad you're home safe and sound. It was wonderful to visit with you when you were here.

Hugs all around and please keep us posted on the shop!

Today's update. I think they've hit the travel wall. We all do at some point in the journey. They'll be back on track after a couple of days of not sleeping on the ground. ;)


Pretty sure that black crap is not a good thing to have coming out of my nose. 2 days in crappy buses on even crappier roads breathing in dust. Yup this trip was a good idea. Back in Nairobi and plan on getting drunk.


Yeah the dogs were awesome. We are back in Nairobi after 2 VERY painful days of travel. We have hit a problem with Mada(gascar) and have had to push it back yet again grrrr. We are still committed to getting there just need to book it and force ourselves into a timeline. We are going to stay tomorrow night here (Wildebeest Camp) then leave for the Maasai Mara on Monday. Then depending on flights we will either be on our way to Mada or on a bus to Kampala.

Nothing else new. Well that isn't exactly true, I did get to take a shower today which was fabulous.

They were out of rooms when we got here and saw our pain at the mention of setting up our tent 仞盼(not too sure about the Chinese letters) so they put us up in the GLORIOUS emergency room which we are enjoying.

I will email more tomorrow.

Love you lots!
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Seriously... I need to remember to not be drinking anything when reading Alana's updates.


The following is a dialogue among Wildebeests on her facebook status update today.


Alana can migrate better than a Wildebeest!

"'You go first." " No, you go first." " I went first last year." " Get Bill, he'll go first." " Bill was eaten this morning." " Sh**." " Hey what are we doing at this river?" " I think we're supposed to cross it." " That doesn't seem right."

Just got back from Maasai Mara where we saw the migration, 2 leopards, a whole whack of lions although I guess I should call them a pride, including cubs and all, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, and all the usual characters, and then visited a house made of poop. Good times!
Back in Nairobi and flying to Madagascar tomorrow. VERY EXCITED!
I have to go back and try to sleep.
Hope everyone is lovin life!
Newsflash, a moment ago... facebook status update. :)


Alana __________________

thought that all the children waving banners, politicians & photographers at the airport in Madagascar were for her. Not so much. Turns out the loud guys in Brasil sweaters behind her on the plane were the Brazilian soccer team.
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And now the letter...


Hey guys. I haven't posted in a while because internet here is just shy of impossible. A: the keyboard is all screwy and B: it is so effing slow.

Been in Madagascar for about a week now and I have to say I am hugely dissapointed.

The scenery is gorgeous and the islands are spectacular but everywhere we go is full of whores and dirty old men (dom). Nosy Be was the worst. At any bar or restaurant you would be hard pressed to find a local girl that wasn't selling herself. The men are all old and white and generally come from France or Italy but we did meet one from so far away as South America. The women are all gorgeous and most of them could be models. It is really gross.

The island itself is stunning. We rented a scooter for a day costing $12 and drove around the island. It was really nice to get away from the scum plus the scenery wasn't too terrible. I naturally dropped the scooter and broke the brake. We thought for sure they were going to charge us a lot of money but the dude just shrugged his shoulders.

The next day we took a boat to an island called Nosy Iranja. Remember when I said that Shella Beach on Lamu was the most spectacular beach in the world? I was wrong. Iranja is without a doubt the most stunning place I have ever been to. We took loads of photos but they don't capture it completley. It is 2 islands that are connected by a 1.5 km strip of sand that almost vanishes at high tide. I would never thought it possible to have 2 waves hit your feet from opposite directions at the same time and different temps. Nifty. And best of all I forgot about doms for a day.

We are now in Deigo Suerez (spelling) and the dom situation is not as bad as Nosy Be but still exists. We just got back from 3 days of camping in a National Park that I forget the name of. It was cold and I hurt from 8 hours of hiking but it was awesome.

I have no idea what our plan is for the next few days but I will attempt to keep you posted.
I know I will be on this slow ass computer all afternoon trying to book Gorilla permits for Uganda. SOOOOOO excited for that.

Sorry I haven't been in touch. I tried to email you the other day but the computer crashed and I got in a yelling match with the guy because he wanted to charge me for my wasted time. It was pretty funny seeing as he was yelling in French and I was yelling in
English. I won.

All is fine in Madagascar aside from the doms. There are a lot of military check points but other than that the country seems to be pretty peaceful. Most of the people seem happy with the new pres and thrilled that the other guy is gone. Apparently he stole a couple billion $ from the country over a few years. He is now in Swaziland trying to avoid being arrested.

We are meeting loads of people from Ireland and they are all excited to hear about your travel plans and have extended many invites to you.
I gotta go. I need to get on the permits. Wish me Gorillas.

P.S. When we flew out of Niarobi we taxied past Hillary Clinton's 2 jets. And We were on the plane with the Brazilian soccer team.
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Today's status. I'm so sorry this part of the trip was such a huge let down. I told her to not let the underbelly of Madagascar colour the beauty she has seen there.

I've had to edit the heck out of her update below... she's pissed off. ;)


Alana never thought she would be so happy to get the F out of Madagascar! Stupid DOM's and their underage prostitues. Heading to Uganda tomorrow to try to forget the dream trip let down.

Group message.

Heading to Uganda tomorrow on what will certainly be an enjoyable 13 hour ride including land border crossing. Eff.

Jules. How are you and the little parasite doing? I was going to buy this cute little Madagascar shirt for you but than I realized that I effing hate Madagascar and didn't want to give them any more of my money (well Visa's money but whatever)

We were held captive in what was supposed to be a very nice hotel judging from the price. It wasn't and we were not happy so we tried to leave but they threatened to call the police if we didn't pay them 50 euros and locked the gates. Figuring that the cops are less than not corrupt we choose to spend the night and pay the rate rather than paying most of it and still having to find another room.
Effing Madagascar.

Sorry for all the swearing but Madagascar really effing pissed me off. EFF!

Miss you all and see you soon.


Message for Mom

I am actually excited to get home but that could just be Madagascar speaking. What a let down. But we are going to Uganda tomorrow so hopefully that will be better. We are taking the bus to Kampala but are getting off on Jinga (sp) to do white water rafting on the Nile before going to the capital to try to work on the Gorillas.

We are back at Wildebeest Camp tonight because we love it here. Thinking about going to a movie in a bit.

If I get a chance I will send a note before we leave, but if not it may be a while before I get the chance.

Hug all the furry things for me.
Love you lots.
how did i miss this post????????? sending you prayers and comfort through the wires....

i know the worry is ever present, but at the same time, what an exciting adventure!:porttopor
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Well, what a day.... here is more adventure from the lovely and apparently stupid Madagascar. I'm thinking the cartoon made it look way better than it really is. ;)


Another Facebook status update... two in one day and she is PISSED! I'll clean it up for public consumption. :)

How about when you're in the airport in Madagascar and you try to buy a bottle of water but they don't take ariarys? Not a big deal right, cause who the hell takes ariarys? Who even knows what that is? Madagascar should because it's their effing currency! Effing Madagascar!

Now to the general message. And to be honest I would have preferred if this story was told AFTER they get home. Dam n...


I forgot to share a story but Mom you have to promise not to tell Bonny until we get back.

We slept in the airport in Madagascar last night and found a quiet place in the corner and went to sleep around 1am. There were lots of people around and the bar was open so we kept our stuff close. I guess around 2:30am Woof woke up and the whole place was dark, empty, and locked. Pretty spooky so he woke me up freaking out, understandable considering Mada's current state, I tried to be calming but he was worried about a gaurd coming along and finding us. I told him it wouldn't be that big a deal as our flight was leaving in 3.5 hrs and it likely happens all the time. To which he replied 'Are you going to be that calm with a gun in your face?' What? What gun? Why is there a gun?

After a couple more hours of sleep he accepted the fact that he may have been a tad bit dramatic about the whole thing.

Oh Madagascar. If nothing else you are sure to be a source of amusement for a while.
Leaving tomorrow at 7am (if our tickets show up) hopefully will be rafting the day after.

Love, Me.
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Alana tells it far better, but after some pretty crazy extreme adventures this past week, she broke her ankle on the dance floor someplace in Africa.

She called a bit ago to let me know she was fine and they are carrying on. The next goal is to get Shawn to the gorillas. I doubt she'll be able to manage that kind of trek on a "crazy pair of polio crutches".

Hopefully she'll write it the way she said it... and when she does I'll post it. :)

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Before she broke her ankle, there were rickety old motorcycles with no helmuts and extreme white water rafting. I don't know if this is the company they used but the pictures are pretty, well, scary. She said this morning they were tossed out of the boat several times, shot straight down a waterfall (there is apparently video to verify all this activity), were capsized, tossed some more and came out the other end unscathed. It would seem that dancing is a far more dangerous activity... hence the broken ankle.

They had to put her out to set the bone and put on the cast. Shawn didn't let her out of his sight. Thank goodness he is with her. He wouldn't allow anything that wasn't new to be used on her... including IV bags, needles, medicines. He's a star in my world.

Anyway the following site give some idea of white water rafting on the Nile in Uganda... who does that?!?!?! Lots of folks it would seem. :)


She asks who's keeping score... me, I am. ;)


Hello all. I will be home on the 29th mostly intact. I have had a wee bit of an accident and am now the proud wearer of a cast on my left leg. And it wasn't the crazy white water rafting that gone dun an hurt me. Not even the 10 foot verticle drop over a waterfall. Nope I was dancing and broke my leg. Well technically my leg and ankle but who's keeping score.

I would like to recommend Ungandan hospitals for all your medical needs. My fave is the operation theatre. A nurse actually came in and asked 'Is she going to theatre soon?' Good times. Fortunately Shawn Eagle Eye Woof was there watching all their moves and inspecting all the instruments.

Not sure when I will be on line next. We are in Kampala so hopefully it will be readily available.

Love you all.

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Living vicariously ;)

Victoria, thanks for suggesting I peek in the "Mommy" thread... well worth the read!
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