The Winter Olympics Thread

Downtown London Ontario from Oxford to Dufferin on Richmond closed for revellers. :) A great time was had by all.

I'm going to miss the Olympics! CTV, thanks for FABULOUS coverage. :)

WTH- They act like receiving their silver medals was like getting poop on a rope!
Silver medals is good!

While I'm sure they will be proud of their silver in days to come, in a competitive sport like hockey (i.e. one where you are playing against a competitor, not a clock or score card) silver is the only medal that means you lost. A Bronze medal at least means you won your final game.

I don't at all want to come across as though I'm diminishing the accomplishment of an Olympic silver medal - just trying to say that for a competitive athlete at the end of a contest, this object around your neck is a constant reminder that you were bested in your final challenge. That's something no athlete can swallow easily (and we'd probably be very disappointed if they did!).
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Obama owes Harper a few brews after Canada takes U.S. in Olympic hockey

VANCOUVER, B.C. - It seems U.S. President Barack Obama owes Prime Minister Stephen Harper a few cold ones.

The two leaders had a friendly bet on the outcome of Sunday's gold-medal Olympic hockey game.

Team Canada came out on top, so Obama will have to pick up a 24-pack of Molson Canadian for the prime minister. Harper would have had to buy Obama a case of Yuengling beer if the U.S. had taken the top honour at the tournament.

Team USA beat Team Canada in the first match-up between the two countries in the preliminary rounds, but Canada came out on top in a heart-stopping overtime round on Sunday.

Harper was at the game in Vancouver but Obama did not make an appearance at the Olympics.

The prime minister met with the gold medal winners in the locker room after the game to congratulate them.
While I'm sure they will be proud of their silver in days to come, in a competitive sport like hockey (i.e. one where you are playing against a competitor, not a clock or score card) silver is the only medal that means you lost. A Bronze medal at least means you won your final game.

I don't at all want to come across as though I'm diminishing the accomplishment of an Olympic silver medal - just trying to say that for a competitive athlete at the end of a contest, this object around your neck is a constant reminder that you were bested in your final challenge. That's something no athlete can swallow easily (and we'd probably be very disappointed if they did!).

BOTH played like champions....someone HAD to NOT win......the gold. It was funny at Sydney Crosby's on-ice initial interview with CTV......the tv guy asked Sydney to "describe" the moments leading up to his winning goal, and Sydney's answer was "I just shot at the net, didn't see what happened"......he actually DIDN'T realize he scored until well past the back of the net