The Winter Olympics Thread


Design matters
Nov 28, 2002
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I can't believe we don't have a thread going about the Olympics (except the bouquets).

We've been glued to the TV at night for more than a week and the spectacular performances have been thrilling and touching.

The Canucks vs US - well, can you spell H O C K E Y? Yep, I'm dumbfounded, too.... if I could just follow the puck on the TV.... just gotta wait for cheers, boos or some crowd reaction because that sport is not made for the bi-focals crowd. ;)

The ice dancing pair of Canadians, though, earner their win and then some. Truly beautiful with grace and artistry unmatched. And I want my last name to be Virtue, too. What a great way to start a life. :)

Vancouver has made a terrific presentation of itself. I wanna go back - now.

Applause all around!!!!!

What's your favorite? Best surprise? Most memorable moment?
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Too much to say!
I can't believe we don't have a thread going about the Olympics (except the bouquets).

We've been glued to the TV at night for more than a week and the spectacular performances have been thrilling and touching.

The Canucks vs US - well, can you spell H O C K E Y? Yep, I'm dumbfounded, too.... if I could just follow the puck on the TV.... just gotta wait for cheers, boos or some crowd reaction because that sport is not made for the bi-focals crowd. ;) (You need fox to pick it up again with the blue glow and flaming puck trail! Sigh, southerners... :) )

The ice dancing pair of Canadians, though, earner their win and then some. Truly beautiful with grace and artistry unmatched. And I want my last name to be Virtue, too. What a great way to start a life. :)

Vancouver has made a terrific presentation of itself. I wanna go back - now.

Thanks for saying so, they are getting so much bad press!!!

Applause all around!!!!!

What's your favorite? Best surprise? Most memorable moment?
Just waiting for Thursday women's gold medal hockey and the subsequent mens hockey US vs. CDA. What's better than that friendly rivalry!!!!
Heh... I was thinking the same thing but did not want to be the one to mention HOCKEY!!
There have been so many great moments at these games. - From the Korean slip on the ice in Speed skating, that made it possible for America to finish one and two, letting Apolo Ono become one of the most decorated winter olympians ever, to Evan Lysaceks flawless performance on the ice, to Ice dancing, where for the first time in the history of the games, the gold medal comes to North America, to the mind-blowing acrobatics of the ski-jumping, to moments to numerous to name them all, and too, these games marred by tragedy in the unfortanate fatal accident of the luger, which forever changes the sport.

Yes, I too have been glued to the TV whenever possible watching the games.

The opening ceremony was breathtakingly beautiful to watch, the visual imagery enough to give a thousand designers inspiration for years.......even with the faulty lighting of the torch.

Canada, Ya'll done did good.
I have watched with GREAT admiration, the fabulous camaraderie, between our US cousins, and our crazy Canadians, and I can tell you for a change, I'm so very proud of our North American athletes, like NEVER before!!...a few Canadians/press, have been "complaining" about how much money has been spent, to "own the podium", and is it all worth it??
Are you nuts??, our US rivals are outstanding competitors, have NOTHING but pride in their country, wear their love on their sleeves, and will likely outcompete anyone, BUT, remember this, Canada is ONE TENTH the size of the US, has less in resources for it's athletes, and IF my math is correct, the US is currently holding 24 medals, and Canada is holding 11.....NOTHING to sneeze at!!
I watched an outstanding hockey game between the Czechs, and the Latvians last night, I think BOTH the US and Canadian squads should take a look at THAT game film, IF they wish to witness true intensity.....sure, everyone is looking at the Canadian/US hockey showdown, I pay attention, however, MY eyes are glued to the LADIES competitions...THOSE are the ones that warm MY heart!!
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Our Maine Guys haven't done too bad either, Seth Wescott (the only American I've seen sing the Star Spangled Banner), Bode Miller (CVA grad), and snowboarder Lago.....
Am really perturbed that CBC isn't broadcasting as I don't get CTV (Canadian Broadcast Stations for those in the States) and I'm so perturbed that NBC has decided to cover daytime events at night so the figure skating goes until almost 12:30 a.m. here. If I had CTV, I would have watched it earlier (at the right time) and gone to get some sleep........ sheesh
Virtue and Moir (we pronounce "more" here) were spectacular! The Ice Dancing was absolutely breathtaking this year. Well deserved gold.
And Evan Lysacek - you don't need a quad - you need class! (take that Russia LOL)

Hockey? it's gonna take heart - who's got more - ??
Congrats to our Friends to the North - after a shaky start between glitches and weather, they've done everyone proud.
sorry guess I am a poor sport,'

if you have the cbc and cable you are very lucky to see more that just the prime time stuff that those (me) with just regular tv have viewed.

Instead of seeing great singers such as Loreena McKinnett at the opening ceremonies they show: anne murray.

and then I tuned in to watch Ice dance and was treated to a 5+ minute interview with Michael Phelps. sorry what does he have to do with winter Olympics. by the time the top skaters performed, I was asleep. Don't get me wrong, I was a huge skate fan, I could tell you the difference between a loop, lutz, axel or salchow but the changes in the sport I have no interest anymore.

Vancouver btw is a beautiful area and some day I am going to get there. winter or summer doesn't seem to matter.

Oh I did catch some team ski jumping (which is cool btw) and the view from the top of the hill that the skiers see at takeoff is breathtaking I just would have like to see more of the minor sports instead.
Tessa and Scott are fabulous.

But the defining moment for me was last night when Joannie Rochette skated with heart and skill. The heart of this country will be with her to her finish on Thursday.

A lost hockey game is put into perspective in the light of such amazing courage and strength.

I now truly understand what an Olympic hero really is.

Tessa and Scott are fabulous.

But the defining moment for me was last night when Joannie Rochette skated with heart and skill. The heart of this country will be with her to her finish on Thursday.

I now truly understand what an Olympic hero really is.


I think everyone was crying with her at the end of that program. And her Dad so proudly yet so sadly watching her.
I been following her story and I truly hopes she medals as she is an amazingly strong women. The olympics is about giving your best and sportmenship and she certainly is doing both under the worst of circumstances.
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I think everyone was crying with her at the end of that program. And her Dad so proudly yet so sadly watching her.

I couldn't let Sandie see me with tears streaming down my face when Joannie completed her heart was doing some strange things.....
these whole Olympics have had such an emotional roller coaster ride, there have been deaths and injuries directly AND indirectly associated with the Games, yet, each competitor, ALL of them, have been remarkable, BUT, I'm have a tough time with the Russians...some of them are acting like complete idiots, and it WOULD be poetic justice for our Canadian hockey team, to beat the snot outta the Ruskies, and then battle the US team for ice supremacy!
To preface, I live on an island 44 kms (27 miles) away from Vancouver.

It takes a 3 ferry sailing wait to reach the mainland.

An hour & a half bus ride to downtown Vancouver.

A 2 hour wait to get into the popular pavillions.

And a ticket to the gold medal hockey game is $5,000.


Thank gawd for CTV, TSN, & SportsNet...three channels...9:00 in the morning to 11:30 in the evening...non-stop coverage babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

(and don't forget Mikey, we get the "joy" of playing the defending gold medallists from Sweden [aka the Vancouver Canucks] if we should happen to beat Alexander the Grate & the boys)
I've always wanted to ask you, why you DON'T deliver to Vancouver, so, what's the "problem"?? I heard about gold medal hockey ticket prices, now THAT'S "priceless!!"
I LOVED watching Lyndsey Vonns gold medal race! It was just incredible to see the slow motion replay of her finishing the race on one ski! If you ski you know that takes some major strength and skill....making her turns on her uphill ski was just amazing! I just don't know how someone can ski that fast downhill without having a heart attack!
I was an avid skier in my younger days and you are correct making your turn based on your uphill ski is very difficult let alone the speed at which she was going. and with the speed she was going and a bad shin the chattering of thos skies on the rough course must have been very painful.
Taking the opportunity to brag about the Canadian women olympians. They are dominating the podium over our men. Out of 16 medals, 12 1/2 have gone to our women. The half by the way is representative of Tessa in ice dancing.

And yay to the Canadian Women Hockey team. :) They have struck gold again.

Congrats to the Women's Hockey Team - 3 times undefeated - Wow!!
Congrats to the Gold and Silver winners in the Nordic event - DeMong & Spillane............The first time ever a US Gold or Silver in Nordic!!
(they train up North in Maine :) - at the center built there a few years ago)
Now onto Women's Figure Skating !! Go Joannie !! (and Rachel)
The ladies of figure skating rocked. Not a fall among the leaders - not one. I wish that all could have won medals. Incredibly impressive and a real joy to watch. Of course, the young lady from Canada won our hearts. (We get the East Coast satellite feed so I get to watch 3 hours earlier than the NBC local station's broadcast.)