Prayers for my friend Hal....

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Hal I am sorry to hear of your illness,but as one friend to
another KICK its Ass. You are strong enough and have the will power to Beat it ! There is still a lot of partying to be done in Jersey. Your convention elbow bender.Perry.

Perry - Hopefully next trip I can stop by i will see both you and Diane cocktails and whatever
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Hi Carol thanks as of now I will be in Dallas for mothers day at McShan possibly can get together its been some time since I have seen either you or Buddy. Say hello

We would love to see you in Dallas. Give us a ring and we will meet you wherever. Since, I am pretty much retired now, we have plenty of time.

Carol Bice
OK, OK, here's the CURE HAL!

Three Long Island Iced Teas, IV PUMP, and call me in the morning!

Well, that's my thoughts on the subject, and you always know how well my thoughts always went over at 2A/2B. "] Which is also why, we always wound up at the bar afterwards. That was a GOOD THING!

Some guys will do anything to have me pick up the tab at the PUB! And so, if you have time when you're in the Big Apple, give me a ring and we'll have a few laughs plus a few YOU KNOW WHATS.

God Bless and Keep the Faith! You'll be fine!
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From Hal:

Well here's the good news the cancer has been confined only to my right arm I am having surgery May 4th at Sloan Kettering to take larger margins from original site. The doctor said 95 o/o chance of non reoccurance and cure. Will get final pathology report 10 days after surgery if all ok on report we be done. For a rare cancer we caught just in time please extend a joyous heart of thanks to all who have sent prayers and well wishes to Ellen and I

Praise the Lord!!!
From Hal:

Well here's the good news the cancer has been confined only to my right arm I am having surgery May 4th at Sloan Kettering to take larger margins from original site. The doctor said 95 o/o chance of non reoccurance and cure. Will get final pathology report 10 days after surgery if all ok on report we be done. For a rare cancer we caught just in time please extend a joyous heart of thanks to all who have sent prayers and well wishes to Ellen and I

Praise the Lord!!!
Thank you for the fast update BOSS! Tears of joy in my eyes right now!

Hal, my prayers continue for you. Cancer should know better than to mess w/you! I'm thrilled with the news...going outside to do cartwheels for you right now...whheeee, don't care what the neighbors think!

Much love,

finally some good news.

thank you for sharing it with us

What wonderful, thrilling news! God is good. God is good indeed!
Keep the good news coming Hal... we need it around here.

V ARE the man for the job of beating this into submission!!...never back down, never give in, NEVER walk alone.
Your steps may be your own, but, just behind you, are the many hands and hearts of the FlowerChat Nation!!
Please....BE WELL......
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