What Do You Want To Know?


Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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FlowerChat is a big place - with lots of features, a few bells and the occasional whistle. Even if you've been here a while, you may have questions about some of the functions on FC - especially after the recent upgrades.

I'm thinking about making a few short How To videos to help people get acclimated and to get the most out of FlowerChat. So my question to you is: What do you want to know? How can we help? What videos would you like to see us produce?

Attention lurkers: (that's those of you who read lots and post little - people like [you]*) Don't be shy! There are no silly questions ... but if you're really shy, send me a Private Message. And if you don't know how to send a private message, reply here and say "What's a private message???"

*To the non-lurkers: I knew I could get away with using the "you" trick because you've all seen it before :) If you have more than 5-10 posts on FC and saw your name above, you know it was a joke :)
Hey Ryan,
I want to know if you're going to give any more free casino cash to subscribers - I blew mine in about 2 hours and I'm a closet casino hound!!!
Ryan, are you doing that thing again when everyone sees their own name?? Come on own up.... otherwise, how very dare you dude!! Are you saying i talk too much lol!!

ok i just read the message properly, no questions from me.... i can find my way around this forum with a blindfold on lol
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I'd like to know how to score a free membership for being called out as a lurker! :D Just kidding!

Now I'm feeling all sorts of performance pressure and had better up my game!

I would hate to have to be put in FlowerChat detention for all peeking and no posting :)

I think your how-to videos sound like a good idea. I LURK and SEE a lot of people posting with questions about how technology, ie uploading photos, embedding links, etc.

Speaking of which -- sometimes people will include a link and it's embedded in the words "click here"...I have no clue how to do that. That would be a good how-to for us lurkers...uh....I mean proud positive perfect posters!

Oh and PS -- My name is Sarah and not only am I a paying Flower Chat member -- I am no longer a lurker!! woo hoo!
I can't believe you did that! Do I have the most on-line time but fewest posts or what? I know what people think of lurkers. But really, I have been listening and learning. I have posted a few times, but I see what happens when less experienced people have asked questions. It's pretty scary sometimes! I have learned so so much here and I appreciate every bit of it. Anyway, I do have blogging questions so I'll start asking those. I LOVE the article about blogs and I hope to make our new blog for petals & co grow with all this great new info!

okay, I get the joke now. . . I'll just go back to not posting again :hammer:

I want to know if there is going to be a member listing by city and state, or if there already is one, how to access it.
I'd like to see a member listing also by city and state - not just the retail florists but all of us...

P.S. it's your birthday so I won't get mad at you for making feel like a lurker. I try so hard but honestly sometimes I just don't feel like talking. :)
I'd like to see a member listing also by city and state - not just the retail florists but all of us...

P.S. it's your birthday so I won't get mad at you for making feel like a lurker. I try so hard but honestly sometimes I just don't feel like talking. :)

It's just Ryan's trick, everyone is seeing their own name. It's ok wolfie, we love you!
Attention lurkers: (that's those of you who read lots and post little - people like LOTAKIDS*) Don't be shy! There are no silly questions ... but if you're really shy, send me a Private Message. And if you don't know how to send a private message, reply here and say "What's a private message???"

Hey are you picking on me, Kid??? Did you notice that I forget to log off or shut the window so it looks like I am here all the time??? However, I have been working, sort of... the last few days. Yes, I do read alot, and probably don't say to much....... but I promise when I do, it will be something important. :)
I agree, a directory would be great, especially if it listed delivery areas.

Also I need to learn more about web sites, blogging, tweeting etc., but honestly even the language throws me off sometimes. Maybe the tech stuff could be in phases...like technologie for dummies? I found the article you did on social networking really fascinating, but I'm still trying to understand everything you said.
Yeah, very funny Ryan.
Yikes, with all the recent raw nerves, it may have been a little soon.
Hey there Big Cheese...bet you got some interesting emails and PM's for this one. hehe!!

All the best to you big mouth lurkers!!!!!
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I guess that makes me......The biggest, most invisible, n-e-v-e-r, e-v-e-r, e-v-e-r lurker who NEVER says the first thing or makes a post, just the most quiet, whispering, timid little ole me member of FC.
NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joan,I noticed that too. Taking a guess.

Full member means your paid up.
Registered user means your here till the 31st.

And if you have a tag line for yourself in the space where either of those shows then your tagline takes presidence.

Like me it used to say "Ole florist and all around good egg", now just says Registered User.
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Are we going to be able to customize our profiles again? I can't find the page for my profile that has all the editing information on it.