Dieting Sucks!

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I love this thread!!!

I have struggled my whole life. I have no desire to be a size 6 (at least that's what I tell myself), I just want my summer clothes to fit well!

I also come from an overweight family and the thought that I may be passing this on to my daughter kills me!!!!! In addition to my own weight issues, I am on the fence on how to handle hers. My daughter is a beautiful, kind hearted 9 year old, she is very smart (and a better floral designer than many of the people I have worked with), but she definitely has the beginnings of weight issues. I go back and forth on how to handle her... do I make her aware of her weight (positively of course) and give her a complex or do I just give her those few years of childhood innosence before the teen years come and blow her self confidence to hell?!?! The thought that I may be the one to make her question her beauty kills me! She swims competitively, but it hasn't helped much...she has the cookie curse (like my Mom)

Like others, this career is awful for my health! We eat out WAY too often, and when we do eat at home, I fall victim to convenience foods. Every time I try to eat healthier, I find myself making 2 seperate dinners (because my kids would never eat the good stuff). That is sabotauge in itself!

I would be very interested in a FC healthy lifestyle support group!!!
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I have been thinking lately that Flowerchat might be a good place to talk to other women about pre-menopause and weight gain but have been afraid to post anything about it because it is so off topic and there are so many men around here that I'm sure do not want to read this this stuff. Hell, I'm not even sure I would be comfortable with them reading it. Maybe we could have our own little forum here to discuss problems that become work related, like these, but that is a place just for women.
I don't know about others but the whole monthly cycle, weight fluctuation, mood swings certainly is a work topic for women.

Knife's Wife

wild flowers Chicago I have some personal experience with dealing with children and their weight. If you want to talk PM me.
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Hang in there it will get better !! I think most everyone can relate to this issue and it's A TOUGH ONE. But it can be conquered and won. You're a strong woman and you can do it.
My problem is not eating and that may sound strange but you can be over weight and not eat. I forget to eat in this crazy business that we all are in and I pay for ir everyday. I have also worked out 4-5 days a week but now I have gone to a trainer and a nutrionalist to help me even more. I have gotten to the point of setting my cell phone to a timer to go off so I remember to eat. Lost 15 lbs so far and still going.
I know it sounds strange but everyone has trouble and at least we have each other to bounce ideas off of.
Thanks you guys, this is what I've been needing. I have been a member of Curves for Women for several years now. Was doing great for the first while. But for the last couple years, I have definately slipped back into old patterns. I've been trying to get motivated to do something. The Curves team call and send me cards-that's not working. I go every once in a while. I keep telling myself that if only I had someone to go with, then I would do better. That's just a cop-out. They even started a support group for weight loss in one of the networking groups that I belong to.

With all of us here talking about losing...this must be a sign that I really need to get serious. I would definately be interrested in doing something together with someone count me in.
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The thing with Curves is: make sure you are really putting the effort into it and not letting the machines do all the work. I found that Curves was not effective enough for me. But it was a great place to start and get me moving.
I'd be in for a diet support group - if boys are allowed!

It would be a perfect use for the new Social Groups feature :)

I'm up and down at least 30 lbs each year. I peaked at over 250, got as low as 175 for a day, and am currently probably over 200 (but I haven't bothered to check in a long time). I've been through diets, gyms, systems - not much lasts. My job doesn't afford much exercise, but thankfully I'm able to walk a 1/2 hour to & from the office some days.

I did quit smoking 8-9 years ago, at the "request" of my bride to be. I'd probably do better at losing the weight if she mandated it, but she's a) a foodie, and loves to cook; b) one of those people who can eat purely junk and stay rail thin & gorgeous; c) far to loving to deprive me of good food :) If I wasn't married to her I'd be single, eating alone, and existing on Kraft Dinner again.

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I'd be in for a diet support group - if boys are allowed!

It would be a perfect use for the new Social Groups feature :)

I noticed the social groups feature and was wondering when it would be put to use.

I could stand to lose a few pounds too. Perhaps we can form a Flower(F)at social group? Set goals and have weekly weigh-in's :eek: over say an 8 week period? Members who meet their goals get lot's of candy, the green rep kind that is? Just a thought.
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I'd be in for a diet support group - if boys are allowed!

It would be a perfect use for the new Social Groups feature :)

I'm up and down at least 30 lbs each year. I peaked at over 250, got as low as 175 for a day, and am currently probably over 200 (but I haven't bothered to check in a long time). I've been through diets, gyms, systems - not much lasts. My job doesn't afford much exercise, but thankfully I'm able to walk a 1/2 hour to & from the office some days.

Well Ryan...I really thought that youtube clip in the celebrities thread was you!!!

I am glad to hear that some of you guys face the battle too! My husband has the same afflicion as Ryan's wife, only he doesn't cook. He actually had to go up a pants size last year, that means his acid washed high school jeans might be a little too tight, boo hoo!
My sister's getting married in December. Husband, daughter and I are all wanting to lose some weight and tone some areas.
We're starting simple. A daily spread sheet to carry with us. One column you plug in every item you put in your mouth. The other column is everything you've done as exercise.
I'm not looking to DIET, I want to be aware of all the things I'm eating and all the exercises that I could be doing. Basically a self awareness of my day to day lifestyle.
We just started June 1st and we'll hope to make some subtle changes each week.
Sending positive thoughts to everyone who's trying to better their situation.
I have been thinking lately that Flowerchat might be a good place to talk to other women about pre-menopause and weight gain but have been afraid to post anything about it because it is so off topic and there are so many men around here that I'm sure do not want to read this this stuff. Hell, I'm not even sure I would be comfortable with them reading it. Maybe we could have our own little forum here to discuss problems that become work related, like these, but that is a place just for women.
I don't know about others but the whole monthly cycle, weight fluctuation, mood swings certainly is a work topic for women.

Knife's Wife

wild flowers Chicago I have some personal experience with dealing with children and their weight. If you want to talk PM me.
I think I'm going through this now as a matter of fact. And I have no one to tlak to about this. It's so horrible. There's a long story too. I love this Idea you have!!!
I really like having a support group but the whole weighing in thing is a wee bit scarry.
Other than that, I'm on board!!! My ankles hurt a lot. :(
I have been thinking lately that Flowerchat might be a good place to talk to other women about pre-menopause and weight gain but have been afraid to post anything about it because it is so off topic and there are so many men around here that I'm sure do not want to read this this stuff. Hell, I'm not even sure I would be comfortable with them reading it. Maybe we could have our own little forum here to discuss problems that become work related, like these, but that is a place just for women.
I don't know about others but the whole monthly cycle, weight fluctuation, mood swings certainly is a work topic for women.

Knife's Wife

wild flowers Chicago I have some personal experience with dealing with children and their weight. If you want to talk PM me.

Knife's Wife-I'd be happy to chat about the menopause thing. Struggled with that the last few years and while it's not perfect I have a much better understanding than before. Interestingly, I was helping out at a friends shop V-week and met a florist (who else would be so wise) who knew just what I needed to know!!! LOL
Guess she just wanted me to stop steaming up the flowers and turning red every 15 min! LOL If you want to chat privately you can PM me, if you want.
12 years ago

I've struggled with the problem too. 12 years ago I lost 110 lbs on my own. But needed to lose more. I kept it off until 2002 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I started chemo I jokingly told my nurse 'well I'll lose some more weight!' She laughed and said honey you'll probably gain 25
I gained 30! and @@@@ if I can get it off again. And to make the problem worse the chemo aggravated the arthritis I have in my knees!
*sigh* .....then....the chemo treatment I recieved gave me leukemia! MORE chemo... thank God I didn't gain anymore weight. It's still a struggle but I try to go to the gym 3 times a week. It does help I notice if I miss the gym I do feel miserable, and it does help keep me limber.
The struggle continues... :) I'll keep trying!
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Knife's Wife-I'd be happy to chat about the menopause thing. Struggled with that the last few years and while it's not perfect I have a much better understanding than before. Interestingly, I was helping out at a friends shop V-week and met a florist (who else would be so wise) who knew just what I needed to know!!! LOL
Guess she just wanted me to stop steaming up the flowers and turning red every 15 min! LOL If you want to chat privately you can PM me, if you want.
Hey Lori, we florists are a lucky group of women. Everytime a hot flash would sneak up on me I go stand in the cooler for a few minutes. How great is that....our own total body cooling apperatus!
WOW! You all are amazing!!! When I posted this thread last night it was when I was battling a serious case of the midnight munchies (I did not give in to temptation...whew!). I never imagined this would have been so popular. Thank you so much!!!

I think a support/social group is a great idea! I was going to a support group the year before my pregnancy (2006). I had lost almost 40 pounds that year & had just about 20 more to go to reach my goal weight. I loved the group & miss it terribly. When I returned to my doctors office, the group had been dismantled. :confused:

I'm so happy to have the support I need in FlowerChat!
This is a great thread, gals & guys! I am currently on the modified liquid diet after a 6 week program of liquid diet. I started the program (doctor supervised) on April 8th, and to date, have lost 23 pounds...that's quite a significant amount of weight in a short period. My goal is to lose another 25 pounds and then I will be at my "ideal" weight. At this point, it should be a breeze. See...I'm tired of the extra weight and this is serious business this time. I don't even want to eat anything unhealthy at this point. It's a mission and I have superb will power. I walk every night for 45 minutes and I feel awesome at this point! There is no stopping me this time! You have to really want to lose the weight to do it, and I mean really want it! I don't look at it as a diet, it's a PERMANENT lifestyle change. I will absolutely never, ever, go back to eating poorly.

Unlike many of you, I never struggled with my weight until I reached my 40's. Prior to that, I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. For me, it was hard to understand the weight gain, since I never had the problem. It made it really difficult to give up foods I always ate without gaining an ounce. Even after the birth of my daughter at age 25 (I gained a total of 60 pounds-which I attribute to my cravings for peanut butter tandy takes-a Philly thing!) I took off the 60 pounds in no time and was a size 2 again. You know...I still have those size 2's, 4's, 6's, 8's and 10's in my closet! Insanity! I am currently a size 12 and my goal is size 10...ultimate goal is size 8, but I'm not counting on it! One great tip I received was soon as you drop a size, pack up all those clothes and give them away! Then you have no clothes to wear if you gain the weight!

Good luck to all of you. A social room would be great for this topic. It's a struggle for so many Americans...just know you are not alone. Hey...maybe we could do an FC group on "The Biggest Loser"...that would be a trip and a great way to publicize "REAL FLORISTS!!!"

If anyone would like details on the program I am on, I would be pleased to share, just send PM.
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