Official FlowerChat Order Gatherer Registry

IS a real florist in San Clemente???? They have an address and on the about page a picture of people??? Or Another Call Center?? They have the standard about us verbage. The other interesting thing is they have the normal teleflora site and they are all sporting FTD Stuff???!!!
They are showing up on the top of the florist google search for our city.

Just want to know if I have to add them to my list.
seems like every week someone new comes aboard. Maybe they're gearing up for the holidays.
Florist Concierge

Here is a new one, listed on yellow pages as Monroe Florist Concierge, Under Florist Monroe WA.... Called them and they are another order gather.
I asked if they were available to stop by and pick up some flowers today, and they said they would give me a name of a florist in the area that was still open.... Well.... I held my breath..... she told me to call ""Flowers by Karen"" and my phone number. I thanked her, but she would not say where she was in Monroe. They even have a local cell number...

It is a Teleflora based call center owned by
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
(480) 624-2599 Fax -- (480) 624-2598
It was created in 2006.

OMG.....does it ever stop... I guess, I will have to find another name and email to put a review to warn people.
Call your Teleflora is against their rules and regulations for a shop to falsely claim they are located in a city they are not. now has a place where you can email any concerns. I did regarding weasley.....response? None......oh well.
If enough real florists complain regarding these false listings could they gather enough support to enforce the rules Teleflora has made?
OG List

I have been searching and absolutely cannot seem to find the "list" that you can download or copy...can someone point me to it...I have someone to look up!!

Another new one to me...

Came in an email, wanting to trade links this morning.

Just a heads up folks....
Received an order yesterday from I think an other OG ....

They Do have a Detriot and an Ontario Canada address listed on the contact page but....

Has anyone hear of them? was one of the two companies who received the traffic from the Google local/maps florist hijacks. They are primarily a drop-shipper like ProFlowers and use WSs for same-day delivery.

Which wire service did the order come through? GF's florist-delivered products look to be mostly 1-800-Flowers' images these days.
All American Flowers

I just heard from a friend in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill NC area that -- after All American Flowers had "highjacked" his shop name -- TF had given them the "boot" effective October 1. A day or so later, he received a telephone order (declined) from All American Flowers via FTD.

He checked with FTD and -- sure 'nuff -- All American Flowers is now an FTD member. Effective date?

October 1.

Benjamin Franklin, when confronted by a political adversary that wanted to "befriend" him, is reported to have said, "What you are, sir, speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."

Barack Obama said, "If it walks like a duck..."

All American in New Jersey has been in this cityname flowers game since well as long as I can remember, along with Meola.

their website is They count on the 411 lookups more than the white pages.

I feel for those with legitimate Cityname Flowers/Florist cuz there apparently isn't a lot they can do about it except take the lumps and blame for every skru up the DOGS make.

"Educating the public" (been there tried that) is like farting in a strong wind.

I put in my own listing about 8 years ago for Corvallis Florist. We get a few calls. Wonder how many we don't get?

Ahh the time's coming, that the last florist standing (us) will be able to say no to any of them, if I live long enuf...but I'm not holding my breath.
BOSS's Quote of the DAY!

Ahh the time's coming, that the last florist standing (us) will be able to say no to any of them, if I live long enuf...but I'm not holding my breath.
I'll be standing right there with ya Bro....

No need to hold your breath tho... the wires should be the ones holding their breath, cuz they'll be the ones to fall before we do, once they have no "feet on the ground"... (kinda hard to stand with out them)