Announcement Several bits of news....and a plea for help.

Ricky I dont know you really well but I do know that you have overcome some big hurdles in your life and this is another hurdle that you WILL get through. Will the local police not guide you to somewhere safe?? You always come accross as such a lovely man who is willing to help anyone. Take one step at a time, get enough money from your job and get yourself out of there. Do you have any brothers or sisters who can help you? Don't be afraid to ask them. Even if you cant contact them yourself I am sure if you pm one of us with details of someone who can help we can contact them on your behalf. If you dont mind me asking how much money do you need to get our of this situation?
What little family I have left has said that they are not willing to help me extricate myself. They offer me moral support, but no physical help. The local police here are a joke. I have a home I could escape to, but it is currently rented and I have no legal way to break a contract and get them out so I can move in. As far as how much it would take to get out of the situation. I figure at least 1000 and closer to 1500 minimum. That would buy me a plane ticket and pay for excess luggage and doggie passenger fees to somewhere...provided I could make my way to an airport with all my stuff and not incur any wrath or more harm already from a crazy man. It is to the point that I would have to leave in the middle of the night........quietly and possibly leave some stuff behind.
Rick -

You really need to get away from this guy. So sorry I don't know anyone in Austin to call to give you any help there. The suggestions of the Y or Salvation Army for immediate assistance sound like real possibilities.

Is there any way you can pull any equity out of the rented house? Or get an advanced rent payment for immediate cash?
Dear Ricky... you have gotten some very real sound advice... Don't just read it.. GET OUT FAST. No one has to be treated badly or with physical force.

Find a church tomorrow.. they can send you to places also.

Keep us posted friend!
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Well, Going to the police is out..........because of familial political, legal, and socio-economic conections, they practically have the police in their back pocket. Literally, the only way for me to get out of this place is for someone to take me out........either in a car or truck or a body bag.
Ricky....The salvation army, church or Y will take you in this afternoon and give u a place to stay. Look up the address and walk if u have to, but get out today.
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Your problems are bigger than any of us here Rick. You need to face the demons in your life in order to win and get healthy. Call the professional services suggested by us here and make the move to save your life and stop running.

Hey Rick, why not give us a bit more info on what happenend to make everything go sour? It truly sounds like something out of a dark novel!
The guys here are all correct about the Y. It is one of the charities I fundraise for, and they have so many different resources available for someone in your position, .... I was blown away when I started asking questions about what they do for people. I always thought they were primarily about fitness, and emergency housing, but they offer much, much more than that.
As for coming up to Canada, are you certain you would like to move so far from home? I remember you talking about Charleston and how much you love it, wouldn't you rather go there? How far is Austin from Charleston? Could you get work there? Do you have friends there?
Thing is, sometimes if you keep running from here to there, nothing seems to get better, sometimes it just pushes what-ever so deep that it becomes almost impossible to fix.
Deep, eh?
Keep in touch...keep us up to date, hold your head high, go see the guys at the Y, and never give up.
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What kind of Dog is it?
In Canada, you can get a payday loan. The fees and interest are atrocious, but maybe if you borrowed $5000 you could get on your feet. or travel somewhere you have a friend you could stay with. You could rent a U-haul and just GO!
Also here, as long as you are working, you can apply for a credit card. I know it's not as good as real cash, but it will help! Get it mailed to your work if you can. So your roommates don't intercept it.
Mke a list of what you Absolutely need and what you can leave behind. and when the time comes have it ready to go.
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You and the dog - walk away. To a church to a Y, anywhere. Once you are safe, everything else will fall into place. You are strong, you can do this, believe!
Praying for you to have courage and start walking. One step at a time, one foot forward. Courage!
What kind of Dog is it?
In Canada, you can get a payday loan. The fees and interest are atrocious, but maybe if you borrowed $5000 you could get on your feet. or travel somewhere you have a friend you could stay with. You could rent a U-haul and just GO!
Also here, as long as you are working, you can apply for a credit card. I know it's not as good as real cash, but it will help! Get it mailed to your work if you can. So your roommates don't intercept it.
Mke a list of what you Absolutely need and what you can leave behind. and when the time comes have it ready to go.

My dog is a chihuahua mix........His name is Ace. He was my Mom's dog till she passed on and I got him to take care of. He is susposed to be all chihuahua, but something got in there that wasn't susposed to. Taking care of that little fellow has what has kept me sane in this place. I have talked to my pastor and he has spoken for me to the texas police and explained the situation. They spoke to me briefly at work today and assured me that they will be patrolling and monitoring the apt. complex I am at and keep an eye on my place here. ( The apt. is in my name btw ). I am also talking with my sister and neice and trying to figure out a way back least for a little while, till I can regroup and make a decision about what is best for me in the long run.

The disadvantage to that is that the industry is dead in SC. Very few, if any shops are taking on extra staff, even part time is EXTREMELY rare. I am working at a telemarketing firm at the moment and I may have to temporarily seek work outside the industry.

I of course, want to stay in the industry and grow and thrive, I am talking with my family and we are collectively deciding what the best course of action for me is.

As a side roomie ( the crazy one ) saw the cops today at the complex, talking to me, he came barging out to see what was up, and the cops plainly told him it was none of his business, to get back inside, that they were watching this place for signs of violent activity that someone reported from another residence.......and that they happened to stop me as they saw me going into the apt. that was mentioned. ( This was planned btw......I had spoken to the same cop at work and explained the situation ), So my roomie is very uncomfortable at the moment.
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It's nice that your mom's dog is a small breed that can travel easily should you have to make a quick getaway.
Southwest airlines allows pets to travel with you IN the plane if their carrier is small enough to fit under the seat.
I'm glad you've talked to the police and your pastor and I'm glad your family is coming to your aide.
Maybe if you are able to get another job part time or something that would help with the money situation. and even though you'd be working more,you'd be out of the house most of the time too!
Good luck, keep us updated.
Why can't you go back to th job you had before? Seemed everything was fine there until you got your settlement.
That's a good question.........because technically, I wasn't working when the settlements came in. I had already been terminated by Rish Florist, and I had not yet began working at Carolina pottery....I was freelancing during that time.

Now, this is primarily for any members in the San Antonio area or who know florists there in San Antonio........there is a florist there ACTIVELY pursueing me to come on board in the lead designer position. It is a combination wholesale/retail concern......over 25000 square feet facility.........Allen's Flowers is the name of the business. What do you all know of this place?
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Ricky- What the hell does it matter what anybody knows about the company? What you do know is THEY ARE TRYING TO GIVE YOU A JOB! WTHeck?

If you need a job to get you out of a bad situation, (San Antonio isn't Austin) and you've been telling us that you have ZERO prospects and that no one will hire you as a florist in Texas and you want to stay in the industry...
But now you say a company is ACTIVELY (in all caps no less) pursueing you, and has been, for a lead designer position?

I don't get it. Either you want to leave the drama or you don't.

IIRC- You were working at Carolina pottery then quit to move to Portland. Again I ask- why couldn't you go back to that job if you moved back home?

You CAN get yourself out of this situation- Stop being the victim and take back your life.
I'd stay away from the Salvation Army..... they do fine work in the communities they are in, but the deal they use (up here anyway) with those staying there is not good...

BOSS<<<< hates drama... especially when someone has options....
Ricky, If the apartment is in your name, have this a-hole removed.....Let him wallop you then open a case on him, unfortunately you would probably have to endure at least a whack or two to accomplish this..But if his name isn't on anything, suggest he is there without your consent and have him gone...I know this is easier said than done and it sounds as if there is more going on than you are telling us..Fact is that we cannot help you if you are unwilling to help yourself...and staying in that situation and making excuses for him are keeping you in harms way, I know this is very blunt, but it is true and I say it because I don't want to see you get hurt..this is way different than feeling unhappy because of an overlt demanding partner, you said you are in fear for your life, this is very serious, and you need to act as if your life is in crisis...A life in crissi warrant action, not pleas for help from far away, not clandestine meeting with cops unwilling to help, not talks with pastors...Real action of getting off your ass and getting out and away to a safe place...

My guess is from news reports I have heard, many of the authorities in Texas don't belive in gay friendships so are unwilling to help in a gay dispute...Many a child has died in texas from staying involved and feeling trapped in Texas, they are years behind in acceptance and the danger is probably far worse that any of us even realize...I pray that you have things under control and if you don't you don't hem, haw and stick around for your stuff and risk your life, because as someone said stuff is replaceable life not so much!!!!
Ok.........TO try and answer questions as best I can.

First of all........As I understand it........yes, the apt is in my name, but it was my roomie that paid the first month's rent in advance alsong with the deposits......and IF I understand correct.......then that gives him a right to stay there. I could well be wrong.

Secondly, I have spoken with Pottery and their policy is this..........once an employee leaves for whatever reason, then they do not re-hire under any circumstances......unless the position requirements demand someone with knowledge of the company and the procedures. So, I am practically sure that route is out.

Regarding this San Antonio florist.........You're right......San Antonio isn't Austin. Which is a good thing in that Austin is a city of around 500,000 and that San Antonio is a city of almost 2 million. So, as soon as I can, I am going to talk to these people and see what they are looking for.

Whether or not San Antonio becomes reality, or I go back home, the end result is that I am able to get away from this guy.
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