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I think it is" contemporary but not quirky elegant but not stuffy unusual but not weird" lol
The only thing that bothers me is I usually don't have time to engage in these "lively debates" as fun as they may be, during the day. At night I'm usually watching the National Geographic Channel or LA Ink trying to further my understanding of tattoos and pseudonyms.

For the further edification of all interested parties...


Canadian Junior National Debate Championships
Rules of Discussion Style Debate

1) The debate will be presided over by Mr or Madam Chair.

2) The affirmative team (the side in favour) shall sit on the right hand side of the Chair. The negative (the side against) shall sit on the left.

3) The speaking order will be as follows: the first affirmative will speak, then the first negative, then the second affirmative then the second negative. There will then be a discussion period of 6 minutes. During this time debaters will ask questions of their opponents. Debaters wishing to ask questions will raise their hands. The chairperson will call on them, endeavoring to give everyone a fair chance to question and to answer. If a debater is answering question, he/she may ask a question of the opposing side as soon as he/she has finished his/her answer. Only if he/she does not ask a question will the chairperson call on the next person who puts up his/her hand. After the discussion period the first negative will deliver his/her rebuttal. Finally the first affirmative will deliver the affirmative rebuttal.There will be no questions after the rebuttals. Following the adjournment of the debate, there will be an opportunity for debaters to point out any major rules violations by their opponents.

4) Speaking times will usually be 3 to 5 minutes for the major speeches, 6 minutes for discussion, 2 to 3 minutes for rebuttals. These times may be altered for some events.

5) During the rebuttal speech, debaters may not bring up any new arguments or new evidence except in direct refutation of material which has already been presented.

6) The debater should address Mr/Madam Chair in his/her first sentence and may address others in the audience.

7) Other debaters should be referred to in the third person. They may be referred to as he or she but never as you. The only exception to this occurs when asking or answering questions, in which case you do speak to your opponents directly, e.g. refer to them as "you".

8) Debaters will speak only when called upon by the Chair.

9) There are no points of order, privilege or heckles. At the conclusion of the debate, the chair will ask debaters if there were any serious rules violations made by their opponents. Debaters should not use this opportunity to bring up trivial concerns, however.

10) The affirmative must define the resolution. Their definition must be accepted unless it is undebatable or unreasonable. If the negative wishes to challenge the definition they must do so in the first negative speech. The negative must show that the affirmative's definition is unacceptable and then substitute their own. They continue to argue the negative side.

11) If the debate is a policy debate (i.e. one in which the affirmative comes up with a plan or method of implementing the resolution), the negative may choose to propose a counter-plan. A counter-plan is a significantly different way of carrying out the resolution. If the negative does this, the debate becomes an argument about which is the better plan.

12) Props (e.g. drawings, models) may not be used.

13) Courtesy must be shown to all other debaters at all times.

14) When questioning, the questioner should ask questions rather than make speeches. He/she may not insist on a yes or no answer. He/she may not ask any questions of a personal nature.

15) The debater being questioned must answer any questions, regardless of apparent relevance, as long as the questions are not of a personal nature. He/she may request that the question be clarified but should not use this as a delaying tactic. Stalling will be penalized. Answers should not be longer than a sentence or two normally they will be shorter than this.
Or evening in the case of your UK correspondent!! That said has been an interesting break from report which I'm still battling with - do you get the feeling I'm not inspired by it!
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Wow, this went to the WS Thread place in a hurry.

I have been on thread from the beginning, (didn't just jump in like some have been known to do). TJN is fairly new to the forum, and perhaps did not know it would turn into a knife fight.

I'm glad he posted the Rep Statements for all of us to see, because it brings up a thought I've had before.

It seems as if we adult professionals, who profess to be of some breeding, have resorted to using Rep Points (Statements) as a way to say the most childish hurtful things that our minds can conceive, without doing it in public forum and often with no signatures. I personally am ashamed of the comments to TJN.

But wait, isn't that where much of this started with know when he mentioned how nice it would be to have names and know who we are talking to. I put my shop name out there, so anyone who has read my post (all of them) know that my shop has a person of some integrity at the helm.

By the way, I have no tats, one son does, one does not. I have had a female customer totally covered in them and I loved her just the way she was.

I PM'd TJN myself to say my Xhusband with my name across his arm would agree with TJN's comments. And how many times has the X wished my name would suddenly turn into a snake or flowers or dolphin or butterfly...

My wish for today is that everyone was just a little more tolerant of others opinions and not take words so personally.

Everyone have a better tomorrow.
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minority viewpoint

OK - I am definitely in the minority, but I don't like them. The words "cheap and superficial" come to mind. I can see the intrigue of something kept mostly hidden, something symbolic or for your own enjoyment.

Now, my viewpoint is ultra-conservative, but it is also the viewpoint of my shop. I hired a designer 2 years ago who had a small star behind her ear. I didn't even know it until she had worked for me a month because she kept her hair down. I later found out she had several on ankles and legs but with our dress code that was never obvious. I personally didn't care for the tattoo, but I thought it was personal expression for a very creative personality. After working for me for 3 months, she married a tattoo artist and became his personal canvas. So I tried to understand and accept, but I never did like it. The husband was in the shop a lot, and he spent a lot of time complaining that people didn't take him seriously. Well, he had just gotten out of prison and looked like a box of crayolas threw up on him! One day he was complaining that while shopping in the grocery store the little old ladies would turn back down the aisle to avoid him. Well, those little old ladies are my customers, too, and the day he said that was the reaction he was getting in town, that was the day that my dress code got revamped to say NO VISIBLE TATTOOS.

My husband is a counselor and started at work talking about this subject. Seems out of 20 employees in his division there are only just him and one other with no tattoos. But we still don't like it. We also will not let our 4 year old daughter play with the temporary tattoos.

If anyone is a fan of musicals, Best Little Who..House movie with Dolly Parton has a song about the "house rules". "Please don't show us no tattoos, no hearts and flowers on your thighs. Brands belong on cattle, and that ain't what we're selling at Miss Mona's."

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OK - I am definitely in the minority, but I don't like them. The words "cheap and superficial" come to mind. I can see the intrigue of something kept mostly hidden, something symbolic or for your own enjoyment.

Now, my viewpoint is ultra-conservative, but it is also the viewpoint of my shop. I hired a designer 2 years ago who had a small star behind her ear. I didn't even know it until she had worked for me a month because she kept her hair down. I later found out she had several on ankles and legs but with our dress code that was never obvious. I personally didn't care for the tattoo, but I thought it was personal expression for a very creative personality. After working for me for 3 months, she married a tattoo artist and became his personal canvas. So I tried to understand and accept, but I never did like it. The husband was in the shop a lot, and he spent a lot of time complaining that people didn't take him seriously. Well, he had just gotten out of prison and looked like a box of crayolas threw up on him! One day he was complaining that while shopping in the grocery store the little old ladies would turn back down the aisle to avoid him. Well, those little old ladies are my customers, too, and the day he said that was the reaction he was getting in town, that was the day that my dress code got revamped to say NO VISIBLE TATTOOS.

My husband is a counselor and started at work talking about this subject. Seems out of 20 employees in his division there are only just him and one other with no tattoos. But we still don't like it. We also will not let our 4 year old daughter play with the temporary tattoos.

If anyone is a fan of musicals, Best Little Who..House movie with Dolly Parton has a song about the "house rules". "Please don't show us no tattoos, no hearts and flowers on your thighs. Brands belong on cattle, and that ain't what we're selling at Miss Mona's."

well then, call me a cow.... moo
Seeing and reading this thread about tatoos brings something to top of mind. SOmething that you all who are managers and owners need to think about.

In a nutshell....a peice of legislation called the Fair Labor Standards act covers things like tatoos, peircings, body modifications like scarification, etc. - Basically.....It says that you have to maintain equal standards for employees.

For example.......You have an employee.....lets say a driver......and your policy says that drivers can't have visible tattoos.....and you run across a fantastic driver delivering pizza.....never been in a wreck, gets things out fast, spotless record, just everything perfect.....however, He has a big tattoo on his forehead, a chain running from nose to lip, and a pierced chin. You go ahead and hire this person.

You have now "changed your standards" and can no longer prevent the other driver from modifying his body.

You cannot hold one employee to a different standard than you hold another one of equal rank and position.
I wonder if there is a board for tattoo artists and if they have a thread about crazy florists????????
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Brad ... what happened to the cheeky dinasoar (sp) .. although from over here it looked like a duck - and no I don't dislike ducks - I actually collect the things (not real mind you) night night Carrie
you know, this has been a really fun thread, especially on a day where I didn't get 100 OG incoming wire orders to fill.

I only got one from 800 via dove and only one green dot, today. But that's not important right now. ;) line lifted from Airplane

I don't have any tatoos and don't want any.

If you want to permanently mark yourself, do it the right way. Brandit burn it into to meat.

I have one burn on my right forearm. It didn't even hurt. Of course, I was blottoed when it happened and then I dug out the dead skin/meat with my dirty finger nails. Silvadeen to the rescue.

Anyway, why am I saying all this? Hell I don't know. other than it has been a really weird day today.


p.s. life isn't always fair, especially for old florists in nursing homes.
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Are you saying you are branded??? Wow.. sounds like it WOULD have hurt.
you know, this has been a really fun thread, especially on a day where I didn't get 100 OG incoming wire orders to fill.

I only got one from 800 via dove and only one green dot, today. But that's not important right now. ;) line lifted from Airplane

I don't have any tatoos and don't want any.

If you want to permanently mark yourself, do it the right way. Brandit burn it into to meat.

I have one burn on my right forearm. It didn't even hurt. Of course, I was blottoed when it happened and then I dug out the dead skin/meat with my dirty finger nails. Silvadeen to the rescue.

Anyway, why am I saying all this? Hell I don't know. other than it has been a really weird day today.


p.s. life isn't always fair, especially for old florists in nursing homes.
well, alrighty then!
Um..... never mind...

Silly florists :hammer:

I know Boss, I shouldn't feed the trolls. If that's what you mean, bit ambiguous when you just post an insult without an explanation. It's just when it was bosting about beating it's kids, I thought something should be said.

I have 2 tattoos, peirced tongue, peirced nose, all of which I have had for over a decade - the peircings for me are a blending of flesh and steel esthetic (sp) - kinda like HR Giger or William Gibson.

Oh, and the Secretary of State is Condoleeza Rice - a foreigner and tattoed and I still know this. Guess I must be a rare exeption?

Oh, and the Secretary of State is Condoleeza Rice - a foreigner and tattoed and I still know this. Guess I must be a rare exeption?

Nope, not a rare excepetion... my daugher falls into the category of having a clue too.:) But then she is wll travelled.

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