Friggin ouch - dang this hurts today

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Hey the "word" while on the road returning from a setup midstate..stopped at one of the bike shops and will have a tricycle sent out next's red...maYBE we can find a yellow slicker and matching hat and you can look like the wacko-doodle from Laugh-in. For those was a very funny comedy show...Take care the oxy's...maybe some acupuncture would know the number..tell the girls we send lots and lots of you as well,
hugs and hugs,
Sher and the gang...
get well soon

Hey Bloomz, I can't believe you did this to yourself. Well, that is one way to get a vacation. I hope your recovery time is short. You will have lots of time to post now and I will look forward to reading them.

Are you letting Twyla go to Palm Desert or does she have to stay and run the place while you are laid up? I look forward to seeing her there.
Carol Bice
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Need laptop assistance for the checkout box...? I know its driven you crazy.. Anything I can do give me call.
Man, I just can't leave you guys for a couple days, can I :)

Step away for a long weekend and some joker is spamming (banned his arse) and JB thinks he's 18 again ... Bud, you need to keep your head up :)

I do have some good news, though. We have a clinic in Ashland that can use laser therapy to heal you up nice and quick post-op. You can hang out with Daz for a while and reminisce about all the things you love about high-end design ;)

Feel better soon!

When are we gonna see. . . .

Pictures. . . .?

Not of you, . . . . . . .of the Bike?

Get well soon my "varied opinion" friend.

Let us hear from you. . . your absense makes us wonder.

this is first I hear of this...hey Bloomzie.....don't be 'fraid of the scalpel...never known you to be 'fraid before!!
We are all rooting for your return...we need ya man!!
Git ridin soon!!:)
Spoke to him a day or so ago and surgery was scheduled for weds as of that time. As to be expected his wife says he is not "really" doing what the Docs told him to, can you believe that? Well I guess at his appt, the Doc let him know who was in charge and he is now off his feet, and doing what they said to do in the first elevating the leg, resting...etc. JB, if you are reading this, ...behave.....and good luck on the surgery....
Going in for surgery at 7:30 checkin 9:00 knife time - won't be able to check in for a few days.

Y'all take care now and I'm a gonna think happy thoughts.

Take care Jon... I send happy healing thoughts your way. Look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

We're all thinking of you and praying for your speedy recovery.
Continued wishes for wellness for you - hope you're in recovery already, and feeling no pain ........ get well!

JB called about 7pm..he is in his room..he is in a cast and miserable and in PAIN ( his words) ...poor thing...had more extensive surgery than expected I believe, or was at least not prepared for the degree of it...They came in earlier and asked him if he wanted to try and walk....I can't post here what his response was but you can imagine...say a prayer or two for him...and his nurses...better yet add the physical therapist to the list will survive and ride again but he is a hurtin puppy tonite.
Bloomzie, this is the first time I saw this thread. I hope all is going well, or as well as can be expected in a hospital. Hope your recovery is quick. Be careful with those Physical Therapists, they know how to inflict pain if you don't do what they tell you you to do. ;)
Spoke to JB again last night...he's home...and in pain but at least he survived. All of us "independant" folks are a mess when we have to depend on others aren't we....I'm sure by Sunday he will have managed to figure out a way to get his wheelchair rolling done the hill to the shop ...of course against Doctor's orders.....just so he can put his hands on his puters...
Ditto Jb!

Yeah Jonathon, sorry to leanr about your accident and hope that all goes well and you are on the road to the mending part.

I hate BIKES! Just too doggone dangerous and have read too many bad stories in the newspapers.

Just recently, two off duty NYPD officers died on their bikes, both in collisions with DRUNK DRIVERS.

Now my son Brian (NYPD) just bought a used 650CC Suzuki and Linda and I are NONE TOO HAPPY ABOUT IT!

We cut every bike mishap out of our local paper and place it on his desk. Now, I will copy and print out the details of your mishap and do the same thing with the hopes that, he gets over the BIKE phase and sells it soon.

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